Thursday 29 March 2012

Ignorance is Bliss

Obviously, I cannot help but have that saying in my head when thinking about Ignorance, the latest creation from The Old Trout Puppet Workshop. The Old Trouts premiered Ignorance at the newly renovated Vancouver East Cultural Centre in March 2012, and we’re currently the second stop on their brand new tour.

We were fortunate to see an early workshop version of Ignorance at the Banff Centre for the Arts in December 2011. Since then, there have been many changes, cuts and additions – but I’m pleased to say that the premise has remained strongly intact. It’s a premise that I love: Is our life purpose to pursue happiness? Or is it that pursuit which makes us so darn unhappy?
The Trouts ask us – Is happiness the point? Perhaps happiness is fleeting and perhaps it’s our own unhappiness that actually motivates us to change.

When I was thinking about all this, I decided to turn it around and ask – “Does bliss produce ignorance?” And, in my opinion, the answer is no. And I believe that bliss doesn’t have to come from ignorance either. I think you can face those unpleasant, uncomfortable things and from that can come great understanding – of yourself, your life and the world around you. And from great understanding can come great bliss.

When I experience The Old Trouts’ work, I am always amazed at their ability to produce extreme beauty and incredibly beautiful moments and then swiftly follow that with the destruction of the moment or even the entire character.
It’s those fleeting moments of stunning beauty that stay with me for weeks on end, helping me look at the world around me with fresh eyes. Because of that, I really do feel a change in how I see the world – more receptive... engaged... aware...

Perhaps even... blissfully aware.
